The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks at Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2018-07-19 Awakening joy part 2 61:04
dharma talk
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-19 Big Mind 55:07
Morning instructions
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-18 Awakening Joy part 1 65:27
Dharma talk
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-18 Different Approaches to Taking in the Moment 50:44
Morning instructions
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-17 Guided Meditation - Looking Through Different Lenses 27:25
Panoramic and Refinement on Breath
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-17 Morning Instructions 55:30
Opening to Emotions and Thoughts
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-16 Transforming Suffering Into Happiness 66:29
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-16 Morning Instructions 37:55
Breath, Body Sensations, and Hearing
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-15 Five Spiritual Faculties 66:46
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz
2018-07-15 Guided Metta Meditation 30:06
Metta for Self and Benefactor
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz

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